Today was special in that Vince and Barbara Dooley both came and sat in on breakfast and the lesson with us. The topic of discussion was visionary leadership, which emphasized forward-looking goals and using these goals as a focusing lens to look through in everything we do. This allows for us to see the little steps it takes on an everyday basis to achieve what we really want to accomplish in years to follow. As a supplementary to what we were learning, we broke up into our community groups to further discuss what we want our accomplishments to be, and how we want to be remembered. We listed each of these on our own, and discussed them around the groups. Although at first this seemed somewhat menial and elementary, midway through I realized that most of us have never really spent much time thinking of what it is that really makes us happy and what we really want to be able to look back on one day and be proud of. After the lesson a few of us had to go to the agency that is taking us to Victoria Falls for some paperwork. Their office is located along a pretty busy downtown area of Cape Town near Long Street. This turned out to be a good thing because we got a chance to get some authentic South African food. We went to place called Nyoni’s Kraal Restaurant, where I got a chance to eat some Snoek, a very common, coastal fish in SA, and a Kudu steak, which is a type of antelope, both of which were delicious. We followed dinner with a little walk around the area until our taxi came to take us back.Today was not as busy as many of the days we have had here, but tomorrow seems to be a good one coming. We have a discussion with Vince Dooley and a trip to the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden, and I have heard many great things.
-Kavi Bhai
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