Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"America vs. South Africa" by Jason Hafford

Any time you leave the country, you tend to notice the subtle
differences between home and abroad. Here are a few from Cape Town:

America has stop lights. South Africans call them "Robots".

America has fast food. South Africa has Steers Burgers and KFC on EVERY corner.

America has ketchup. South Africa has 1000 Island and BBQ sauce for burgers.

America has Six Flags. South Africa has the Worlds Tallest Bungee Jump.

America has petting zoos. South Africa has Shark Diving with Great Whites.

America has rush hour traffic. South Africa has Elephant road blocks.

America has football, baseball, and basketball. South Africa has rugby, cricket, and the 2010 FIFA World Cup!

While there are obviously differences between the two countries it is
ultimately the similarities and relationships that make this a special
place. I thoroughly enjoyed staying up late into the night talking
SEC football with a Canadian tourist at a hostel and realizing that
McDonald's will deliver McFlurrys to your hotel room. Moments like
these remind you that in the end people really aren't that different
even if they are separated by the Atlantic Ocean.

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