I’m not one for heights—I don’t like them, they make my stomach queasy and, to be totally frank, they scare me to death. Hanging by my feet from a bungee cord, after jumping off the highest commercial bungee jump in the world, just dangling there hundreds of feet in the air, I said to myself, “What was I thinking? I will NEVER do anything like this again” — all the while analyzing every possible scenario where my feet could slip out of the harness and I would very soon meet my demise somewhere over South Africa. Nevertheless, I survived. And I now know that bungee jumping is just not going to be my thing. But at least I can check it off the ol’ bucket list.
But what about jumping out of planes? Well, that’s a whole other matter. After the big bungee jump, I boldly (um, foolishly?) signed up for (you guessed it) skydiving. Again, what on earth was I thinking? Jumping out of an airplane, 9,000 feet in the air? Bye-bye, mom and dad. Bye-bye brother. Bye-bye life. The jump was breathtaking…literally. I haven’t experienced anything like it in my whole 20 years here on this planet. It was so exhilarating that, once I hit the ground, I was ready to go right back up in that raggedy, 20-ft. plane and do it all over again. All of us here know Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places on earth. Let me tell you, though, from 9,000 feet it’s absolutely stunning. When we climbed Table Mountain, I thought that was the best view of Cape Town. But I can now say with authority, that the very best view is high, high above, floating through the sky, looking up at—and down on—on heaven.
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