The world whirlwind doesn’t even begin to describe the past few days. From spending the night in Saint Lowry’s Pass (the township we are working with) to wining and dining on the Waterfront, I can’t believe that almost a week has gone by. I’ll have to admit I was slightly skeptical when I heard that we were going to be staying with a bunch of people we had never met before on one of our first nights of the trip, but once our small group arrived at Mrs. Fila’s house and her cat literally gave me a hug I knew we were in for an interesting but fun night. It was pretty eventful: from almost attacking the rest of my group members with flying potato and carrot peels to playing South African monopoly using Rand (at less than a snail’s pace) we all ended up having a great time. It was just as fun (although a much different kind of fun) as we had the next night wandering around Long Street and dancing up a storm at Chrome (a.k.a. Cape Town’s version of The Loft in Athens). Interesting/somewhat odd crowd, old school rap, and one big adv

antage over any of the clubs in Athens: Ish (our loyal friend slash ‘babysitter’ who should be given the Nobel Prize for putting up with us). Then today we went back to the township just to play with the kids. One thing I noticed right off the bat: I had totally forgotten how much kids like bubbles. I’m talking 2 hours worth of nonstop bubble blowing and I’m not going to lie, I loved it right along with them. I spent the whole day carrying around the most precious 3-year-old boy named Xander. Let me just put it this way: if I had my way I would have just put him in my pocket and kept him because he was just that adorable. He didn’t really but I knew that he was taking it all in and that we had formed a little bond by the end of the day when he refused to let me put him down when it came time for us to leave. That was definitely the most rewarding moment of the trip so far. Which brings me to my top 5 moments of the trip up until this point:
- Blowing/catching bubbles with Xander
- Singing and having a Justin Bieber dance party with Mrs. Fila’s soup children
- Our group taking over the dance floor at Chrome (Ish included, of course)
- Trying out different restaurants and cuisines of Cape Town (nope, haven’t tried the ostrich yet…)
- Getting to wake up every morning to the amazing view of Table Mountain and the gorgeous beach
My caption for the picture (Life in 3 words): LIFE CAN'T WAIT
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