Today I had one of my best days in Cape Town so far. After having a very interesting night in the slums, we came back to the Lagoon

Beach apartments tired and ready for bed. Garrett provided us with an enlightening lecture on the power of giving that helped us reflect on our night and realize a lot of things I hadn’t. The families in the community are the most giving people I have ever met. They live off a dollar a day, but find a way to give much more than that. They not only take care of their children, grandchildren, cousins, nieces, etc. But also any other member of the community that needs help. I think that if everyone in America was like this, then we would barely have any poverty at all. One of the little girls named Kay helped her little brother who was sick with stomach flu. She fed him medicine and rubbed his back to try and make him feel better. I feel as if kids that age in America don’t understand how to give so much, but these kids think that this is the way to live. This quality follows them throughout life and is shown in the parents through their generosity to the whole community. Women work hard every day to provide meals to everyone they can, even us. I felt spoiled while I was there with them. It was an experience that I will never forget.
After we finished the lecture, I was able to go on a tour of Cape Town. The rain finally cleared up and we could see every ridge, hump, and other aspects of Table mountain. It was BEAUTIFUL. We also traveled down to the waterfront which was a Charleston looking area with many shops and music playing all around. I look forward to going there on late afternoons and nights with friends. After Charleston, we went up Signal Hill, which is right next to Table mountain and got to see an incredible view of the whole town, the stadium, Table mountain, and lion’s head. We ended the trip in Camps Bay where we could see the back of Table mountain, referred to as the 12 apostles because there are 12 humps that stick out, and the beautiful beach was in front of us with surfers trying to catch a wave. Cape Town is one of the most beautiful places I have ever been and the most unique with all of its diversity.
Life in 3 words: Admiring, spirit-lifting, beautiful.
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