Tuesday morning after sitting though lecture for the morning, Courtney stood up in front of the group and said something that shook me and made me think to myself- there is no way I'm going to survive... She told us we were spending the night in a township. Needless to say, I survived the night and walked away learning a little more about myself than I thought I did, as well as learned a few life lessons- which were an added bonus. Like cooking pasta without salt and not straining them right away leads to some puffy, nasty pasta. But that's not the point I'm trying to make. Fast forward two days and a new friendship later...
To set the scene: Wylan is the grandson of the soup mother we stayed with and he is about 8 years old. The coolest kid you'll ever meet in the world, basically. He is very shy and LOVES Spiderman. We went back to the township today to play with the kids and I went back to our house and met up with Wylan and the rest of the family.
Later on in the afternoon, I had been painting faces and dancing with the kids when Wylan came around and his face had been painted with an intense spiderman web and everything- kudos to whoever did it, and I was real happy to see him because 2 nights earlier he was sitting on my lap and we were talking about what he wanted to be when he grew up (a doctor, in case you were wondering) so needless to say, a bond was formed.
When all the games were done and we were all walking back to the bus, he asked to get on my shoulders- I of course couldn't say no. So he hopped up and we started walking and we talked about what he wanted for dinner the next night (because we're going back tomorrow to cook dinner for them) and he said pizza, we talked about his favorite kind (Cheese) and of course, about Spiderman. So after that he and I started walking around acting like we were Spiderman, and while we were doing that I realized something. We forget how to have fun and use our imagination, and ultimately lose sight of the important things in life. I learned a lot today and the smiles on these kids faces definitely makes it seem like there are no problems in the world, which is refreshing to know that somewhere out there (here, actually) people haven't lost sight of what's important.
Forever LSU,
Seth Guidry
LSU Ambassadors
beautiful. back to the basics, it's what it's all about